Paper Route Concert Poster
Silkscreen Print
Paper Route
Paper Route’s album The Peace of Wild Things deals with themes of love, loss and letting go. The early summer concert date inspired a motif of captured butterflies as a metaphor for love that can’t be controlled or contained.
mewithoutYou Concert Poster
Silkscreen Print
mewithoutYou’s album Ten Stories relays the tale of animals escaping from a circus train in the 1800s, including a peacock who in the song “Cardiff Giant” says the line, “I often wonder if I’ve already died.” This lyric and the spectral appearance of albino peacocks inspired the poster, with the layout reflecting the theme from the record’s final song, “All Circles.”
MuteMath Concert Poster
Silkscreen Print
Rock band MuteMath’s album Odd Soul deals with the idiosyncrasies of growing up with a fundamentalist faith. The inspiration for the poster grew out of applying these themes to a street preacher forecasting the end of the world, although in this case the warning is for the concert itself.