Promiseland Curriculum Illustration
Character Design and Illustration
Willow Chicago
To better present the story of God’s love to an urban, multicultural population of kids, Willow Chicago – the downtown campus of Willow Creek Community Church – created its own curriculum. The character designs reflect historically accurate ethnicities for the regions depicted in the Bible, illuminating the diversity of God’s creation.

(left to right) Adam and Eve, Noah and Wife, Deborah

Moses, Pharaoh, Naomi and Ruth, Jesus

The Nativity: Angels, The Holy Family, Shepherds
For a lesson on The Fall, a series of comic strip images was created to be displayed while a live storyteller read from scripture. The limited color palette ties to colors used elsewhere in the curriculum units on Creation and The Fall.

A variety of Story Images – illustrations of events from scripture – were created to support the storytellers’ classroom reading. Some of these were also used for activities such as interactive sticker sheets and coloring pages.

(Left to Right, Top to Bottom) Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Gethsemane, Easter morning
A curriculum unit on The Church allowed the opportunity to create images of both the historical Acts 2 church and the Promiseland classroom itself, letting the children see themselves as a unique part of God’s ongoing story.